Talking Stones

Keep up with the work of NLC with our blog posts on efforts to conserve, preserve and restore land.

Maskoke partnership sparks a national outlook
Amanda Michele Amanda Michele

Maskoke partnership sparks a national outlook

Why does conservation matter and what can we do about it? NLC speaks to people who care about the preservation of our environment for all living things and investigates the issues that will help advance efforts to protect and restore the earth.

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Easements Renew the Spirit of the Land
Amanda Michele Amanda Michele

Easements Renew the Spirit of the Land

For the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DCLT), it was not enough to simply preserve more than 440 acres of land, it was also important to renew the spirit of the land by welcoming the original inhabitants there for cultural practices.

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Strengthened through community
Amanda Michele Amanda Michele

Strengthened through community

The Native Land Conservancy (NLC) has been increasingly fortunate to grow in donations, land holdings but also in human resources that have widened our circle and enabled us to make sound decisions about our future.

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